Monday, April 14, 2008

Florida 4-H Volunteer Forum

The Florida 4-H Volunteer Association welcomes you to join us at Camp Cloverleaf, June 20-22, 2008 for the State Volunteer Forum.

There will be plenty of workshops to peak your interests, good food and loads of fun.

During the weekend we will have a Florida 4-H Volunteer Association Meeting where we will be holding elections for new officers and the swearing in of those officers. We will also be taking applications for new members. Now is the time to find out exactly what the Florida 4-H Volunteer Association is about and become a part of it.

We will have a Silent Auction to raise funds to support the Association. We are requesting donated items to be sold in the Silent Auction and that each county bring a door prize basket to be given away during the weekend.

Registration information and workshop descriptions are attached. We are looking forward to having a great weekend on tap and hope that you can join us.


Karen Kirkendall
Florida 4-H Volunteer Association

Forum Invitation Letter

Workshop Descriptions

2008 Florida 4-H Volunteer Forum Registration Form
To save this file for yourself, click the file drop down menu and click download file as..., then select Word. This will save the registration form on your computer as a word document that you can enter your information on to.

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