At this past County Council meeting, officer elections were held. The final decisions were made as follows:
President: Mary B
Vice President: Amber Y
Secretary/Community Service chairperson: Tori B
Treasurer/Fundraising chairperson: Tiffany B
Reporter/Publicity chairpersons: Jeffrey K and Kay H
Historian: Sophie P
Recreation: Laura M
District V Delegates: Tori B, Kay H, Jeffrey K, and Mary B
Formal officer installations will be held at the 4-H Awards Program on May 3rd, 6:00 pm, at Living Faith Fellowship.
4-H has some other exciting events coming up! Quickly approaching is 4-H County Events Day this weekend, on April 19th, 8:30 am. It will be held at Creekside Community Church, and 4-H members from around the county will be giving speeches, demonstrations, and illustrated talks in their various project areas. There will also be a talent show and a fashion revue. A concession stand will be available, and he proceeds will go to the Heifer International project. Don’t forget to bring your spare change, as this is the last opportunity to donate to the cow banks and support this worthwhile service project. Hope to see you there!
Please be aware that the Standards of Excellence paperwork deadline is April 25th.
Our next County Council meeting will be held on May 20th, immediately following the 4-H Volunteer Dinner. Please join us to learn more about County Council and how you can become involved!