Monday, January 7, 2008

Alachua County 4-H Council, December 18th 2007

Alachua County 4-H Council, December 18th 2007

The meeting was called to order by Amber at 7:00pm. The pledges were lead by Mary and Tori. The minutes were read by Mary. There was no correspondence. Club reports were given by Tori-Micanopy friendship, Laura-Town and Country and Amber-Rocky Creek. The treasurers report was given by Tori, we have 1,272.95.

Old Business: Tori gave out fliers about the T-shirt design contest.

Next we had short committee meetings followed by reports. Kay gave the first report or the publicity and recruitment committee. They are currently working on putting together a county 4-H website. Next, Mary gave the community service committees report. She gave an update on the heifer international project. The project will start in January and end at the end of the year awards ceremony in May. Members of the committee will be visiting each of the 4-H clubs in Alachua County in order to get the clubs involved in the project. They will be giving each club information on how they can raise money for this project.

New Business: Mrs. Ott, the Banners grandmother, passed away recently. She was a 4-H volunteer that worked with the Micanopy Friendship club. The council would like to make some sort of memorial in her honor. There was a motion to have a memorial committee to decide what the council would do for Mrs. Ott. The motion passed and a sign up sheet was passed around for anyone interested in serving on that committee.

After announcements and birthdays, the meeting adjourned at 7:27pm.

Submitted by Mary Boyle

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