Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Free Gym Memberships for Teens

From June 15 to August 15, Alachua County 13- to 17-year-olds can receive a free summer membership to Gainesville Health & Fitness Centers as part of the gym's efforts to combat obesity - and now to help offset economic woes facing families. The students can use any of GHFC's three locations for workouts, group fitness, basketball, swimming, etc. from June 15 to August 15.
Gainesville Health & Fitness Centers

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Monday, May 19, 2008

ATV workshop curriculum training

Hello all,

I am looking at June 6th, from 9 to around 3, for a curriculum training workshop for those who are interested in leading activities for the youth ATV workshops to be scheduled during the rest of the year. We have the conference room at the Cooperative Extension Office reserved. We will look at the overall curriculum, do some of the activities, look at some workshop agenda formats, choose which activities we think are the best to use, and schedule some dates for the youth workshops. We’ll also discuss the possibility of offering the ASI ATV Ridercourses locally.

The 4-H ATV Safety Education curriculum does not include actual ATV riding. The activities are hands-on, interactive, and of a pre-riding skills development sort. They cover safety rules of gear use, riding the right size ATV for your age, environmental respect issues, and much more.

The workshops offered for youth will be from 4-6 hours long, depending on type and location and size of the group. My hope was to have enough people willing to teach activities, so that the same people don’t have to come to every workshop, but can pick and choose which ones fit in their schedule best. Teens are encouraged to assist adults in the teaching of the activities. Positive role models are important for younger youth to “buy” into the safety thing, and they usually think older youth are awesome! (Adults….well okay sometimes. Ha)

There will be a 45 minute parent presentation at the beginning of each workshop, (while the youth start their activities), reaching the parents is important also. They can have a lot of influence in what their children do at home.

Please let me know if you are interested and able to attend this workshop. If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

Lorraine S. Williams

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Wednesday, May 14, 2008


July 21-25, 2008

Hunting basics Marksmanship

Angling skills Campfire

Outdoor Ethics Angler Ethics

Wildlife Identification Wildlife Management

Fish Identification Fisheries Management

Aquatic Ecology Canoeing

Natural Resources Archery, hunting, rifle, shotgun

Hiking Fishing

Swimming Tackle Crafting

Outdoors Cooking Skills

Registration deadline is Wednesday, July 2, so reserve your spot by requesting and filling out the forms today! CALL THE EXTENSION OFFICE or email Mr. Terry eterry@ufl.edu. Hope to see you at camp.

Please note that some activities may be dropped and others added depending on the availability of volunteers and camp staff

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Wednesday, May 7, 2008

4-H Centennial Ice Cream is now here!

Blue Bell ice cream has released a new flavor in celebration of 4-H's Centennial! Look for this exciting new in grocery stores near you. You can also purchase it online. A portion of the proceeds will be donated to National 4-H.

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Southern Region Volunteer Leader Forum

Where & When
October 2-5, 2008 Rock Eagle 4-H CenterEatonton, GA

Dear 4-H Volunteers,

Louisiana, along with our colleagues on the multi-state Southern Region 4-H Volunteer
Forum Planning Committee, looks forward to an outstanding forum this year. As this year’s
theme implies, “4-H: A Taste for All”, Southern Region 4-H Volunteer Forum will offer
volunteers and staff an opportunity to expand their horizons with informative, interactive
workshops, inspirational speakers and entertainment, special cultural events and high quality

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Florida Volunteer Leader Forum UPDATE

Florida 4-H Volunteer Forum June 20-22 2008

Update on Workshops
Please make a note on your registration for the Florida Volunteer Forum. (Registration form on web has been changed) Mail registration forms, Florida 4-H Participation Forms and payment by the June 6th registration deadline to :State 4-H Events Office

Workshop Titled 1st Aide has been cancelled. It has been replaced by a very exciting workshop Meteorology (8:30—12:00PM)Engaging real people in real meteorology: This workshop will present to volunteers a brand new 4-H project!! It is designed to provide youth with an opportunity to both enhance their knowledge of meteorology and provide a valuable volunteer service to the community via participation in the Community Collaborative Rain, Hail and Snow Network, a grassroots volunteer network of backyard weather observers of all ages and backgrounds working together to measure and map daily precipitations amounts in their local communities. Presenter: Rick Lusher and Team

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Monday, May 5, 2008

Florida 4-H Congress

Four hundred 4-H youth from across the state will make their way to the University of Florida campus for Florida 4-H Congress the last week of July. Throughout the week youth will participate in competitive events, leadership programs, sustainability programs, and other educational workshops.

More Congress information, including registration forms, can be found at the Florida 4-H Web site. The Alachua County Registration Deadline is Thursday May 22nd. If you're interested in going, please contact Mr. Ernie.

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